Monday, March 14, 2011

Two Years Ago.....Time Flies....

2 years ago today Brett and I received the BEST news ever! I was pregnant! We had decided that when it was God's will the time would happen, and it did!!! I was on Spring Break (Cleaning at home, fun!) and Brett was at work (busy season). I just felt "different", so I decided to take a test we had at the house....I had taken one the weekend before and it was negative. Well, I took the test and got started on some cleaning project and forgot about it! About 30 minutes later I remembered, and went to was POSITIVE!!!!! I emailed Brett and asked him if he could run by the drug store. He immediately called me and came home. We were beyond THRILLED! We went to lunch with my family that day and told them all the news!

Grayson-you will never know the joy you bring to our lives each and every day. We fell in love with you the day we found out about you, and the love has only gotten stronger. You have been nothing but a blessing! You have always been such an easy going little guy with an amazing personality. From the day we met you to 16 1/2 months later you amaze us each and every day! We never realized how much we could love a human being, but now we are experiencing it day in and day out. You are the BEST thing that has ever happened to us and we love you so very much! We are so thankful for you and look forward to all the adventures to come! Thank you for being ours!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing you and sweet Grayson on Sat!
